Doors for Vehicles
- Top Hung Slab Sliding Doors
- Bottom Rolling Slab Sliding Doors
- Roller Shutter Doors
- Insulated Sectional Overhead Doors
We can supply doors suitable for tugs or deliveries. Our roller shutter doors and insulated sectional overhead doors can be incorporated into the leaves of the hangar doors if the leaves are 12m or greater in width.
Doors for Personnel / Emergency Exits
- Single or Double Doors
- Wicket Doors in Vehicle Access Doors
Our thresholdless personnel/emergency exit doors can be incorporated within our bottom rolling hangar doors. There is no bottom beam to jump over making them much safer and classed as fire escape doors by Building Regulations. Wide Slab Doors with individual leafs greater than 12m in width are most appropriate for this valuable capability.
Doors for Passengers/FBO
- Glazed Architectural Doors within Feature Frontage
- Arrival and Departure Doors
REIDsteel can design, supply and fit doors for an impressive entrance to the passenger area of your hangar or practical and aesthetically suitable arrival and departure doors. Working with our glazing division we produce architecturally striking curtain walling and accompanying doors such as manual swing doors and auto-biparting, auto-telescopic or auto-revolving doors.