What REIDsteel can do for you . . .
We provide a complete design and manufacture service for our steel doors and hangar extensions.
We continually innovate to make the safest, most economically efficient doors to suit your requirements. REIDsteel have years of experience designing and supplying a variety of hangar doors types and so we believe that bottom rolling, slab sliding doors are usually the suitable choice for most aircraft hangars.
We don’t just design, fabricate and supply doors, we design and build
aircraft hangars too. For information about a complete hangar build,
take a look at our dedicated Aircraft Hangars website.
New Doors for a New Hangar
If you are building a new hangar and require hangar doors, we offer bespoke designed doors at very competitive prices. For more information see our REIDsteel Bottom Rolling Slab Sliding Hangar Doors section.
Hangar Door Replacement
If you are simply looking to replace old doors on your existing hangar, we have some information to help in our Guide to Hangar Door Replacement or contact us via telephone, email or the contact form.
Larger Doors – and More Space!
REIDsteel understand that hangar usage can change over time and that new, taller or wider doors may be needed for an existing hangar. We believe the most efficient and economic way of doing this is by constructing an extension. This can transform the hangar and provide a taller hangar section & doors for a new plane with a higher tail, or a wider hangar to accommodate larger wings, or both! For more options, see our Guide to Hangar Extensions.